I saw something similar to this on Facebook and thought it was a great summary of the New Abnormal. When life gets back to normal, (whatever that ends up looking like) it will be interesting to read this and remember how COVID-19 altered our lives. Never take anything for granted!
Belleville area schools’ last day was 3/13/20. School activities, events and competitions for March 2020 are canceled. Later that gets extended to April. Colleges close dorms and send students home for the remainder of the semester. Online learning begins.
It began with self-distancing measures. We are to distance from each other—six feet! And no gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, then 10 or more, and even this is encouraged to be limited to immediate family. Later, a “stay at home” lockdown is mandated.
Shopping nightmares: People begin hoarding toilet paper and panic buying sets in. Disinfecting supplies and sanitizer is impossible to find. People stand in line for hours just to get into big box stores to buy toilet paper. Purchases are limited and shelves are bare.
Non-essential stores and businesses are closed. Tape is put on the floors at grocery stores and others to help distance shoppers (6ft) from each other. Stores put up plexiglass at checkout counters and many have shortened hours in order to restock and clean. Many stores began “elderly shopping hours” to keep our older population safe. Restaurants can only do takeout. Some restaurants give up and temporarily close. Bartenders, servers, etc. are instantly out of work.
Parks, trails, and playgrounds are closed. State parks closed for camping. All Disney parks around the world closed indefinitely. Disney! Plus amusement parks, zoos, museums, etc.
Professional sports are canceled. No home opener in April. No March Madness. ALL sports! The summer olympics are postponed for a year.
Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events—canceled.
Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings, vacations—canceled. Funerals limited to a specific number and being live streamed.
No masses—churches are all closed. During Easter season!
Medical nightmares: Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers. Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill. Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE. Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families. Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients. People are encouraged to donate blood as the blood banks are low due to not being able to hold blood drives. Elective surgeries are canceled. No visitors are allowed for hospital patients or residents of nursing homes.
Businesses are deemed essential or non-essential. Workers that can work from home become adept at Skype and Zoom, while also home schooling children. The unemployment rate skyrockets and most people wonder if they will have a job when this is over. The stock market tanks. Again. And again. The government passes a stimulus package in which all citizens will receive money to help pay bills, etc. and help businesses stay open. Everyone gets an income tax extension. Companies offer extensions for paying credit card payments, car loans, mortgages and household bills.
Press conferences daily from the President, in which he lies to the citizens of the United States and blames states for asking for too many ventilators.
Anthony Fauci becomes the next superhero with his no nonsense, scientific and factual information.
Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths become exhausting. People are wearing masks and gloves outside. People are anxious but yet creative with how time is spent. Zoom Happy Hour becomes a thing. Online workouts and gym classes are offered. Kids decorate sidewalks with chalk art. Families take walks in the neighborhood and there are more kids on bikes than ever.
Written April 3, 2020.